Un avion cu 191 de persoane la bord s-a prabusit la aterizare in India si s-a rupt in doua. Bilantul...

Un avion al companiei Air India Express cu 191 de persoane la bord s-a prabusit la aterizare, vineri, pe Aeroportul International Calicut din India, la ora locala 19.40. Cel mai recent bilant indica 19 morti, potrivit India Today.

UPDATE 23.45: Ministrul statului Kerala, MK Muneer, a declarat pentru India Today ca numarul mortilor in accidentul aviatic a crescut la 19.

UPDATE 21:20: CV Anand, inspectorul general al Fortei de Securitate Industriala, a precizat ca cel putin 16 persoane au decedat in urma accidentului aviatic, transmite CNN.Ambii piloti sunt printre morti.

Alte 46 de persoane de la bord au fost ranite grav, a spus Anand, care a adaugat ca evacuarea avionului a luat sfarsit.

Un bilant provizoriu arata ca cel putin 14 oameni au murit si alti 123 au fost raniti, in urma accidentului aviatic, potrivit Russia Today.

UPDATE 20:30: Prim-ministrul Indiei, Narendra Modi, a transmis, pe Twitter, un mesaj dupa tragedia aviatica de vineri.

"Gandurile mele sunt alaturi de cei care au pierdut pe cineva drag. Fie ca ranitii sa se recupereze in cel mai scurt timp posibil", a scris Modi.

Pained by the plane accident in Kozhikode. My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones. May the injured recover at the earliest. Spoke to Kerala CM @vijayanpinarayi Ji regarding the situation. Authorities are at the spot, providing all assistance to the affected.

-- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 7, 2020

UPDATE 20:20: Un purtator de cuvant al Air India a declarat ca mai multi pasageri au fost raniti in urma accidentului. Potrivit RT.com, 14 oameni au murit si alti 123 au fost raniti.

UPDATE 19:15: In urma accidentului aviatic, trei oameni au murit si 35 au fost raniti, dar numarul victimelor este posibil sa creasca in urmatoarele ore.

La aterizare, avionul a depasit pista aeroportului Calicut si a alunecat intr-o vale. La momentul accidentului, ploua abundent, scrie CNN.

Locul in care a avut loc accidentul aviatic

"Nu a fost semnalat niciun incendiu la zborul IX 1344 al Air India Expres, operat de aeronava Boeing 737, din Dubai spre Calicut. La bord se aflau 174 de pasageri, 10 copii, 2 piloti si 5 persoane din echipajul de cabina. Conform rapoartelor initiale, operatiunile de salvare sunt in curs, iar pasagerii sunt dusi la spital pentru ingrijiri medicale", transmite Ministerul Aviatiei Civile, potrivit India Today.

Potrivit presei locale, pilotul aeronavei a murit, in timp ce copilotul este ranit grav.

Terrible news coming in that Captain Deepak Vasant Sathe, pilot of the #AirIndia flight, has died in today's accident at Kozhikode. Am hearing he's ex-IAF. Deepest condolences to his family. ?? pic.twitter.com/OLHHWlGTD3

-- Shiv Aroor (@ShivAroor) August 7, 2020
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dubai Kozhikode Air India Express flight crashes 190 people on board ! <a href="https://t.co/xFNbqkWaw6">pic.twitter.com/xFNbqkWaw6</a></p>-- Neeta Sharma (@NEETAS11) <a href="https://twitter.com/NEETAS11/status/1291757175149219840?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Foto: EPA, Profimedia

epa08590273 A handout photo made available by the Indian Civil Defense shows officials inspect the wreckage site of a plane crash at Calicut airport in Kozhikode, India, 07 August 2020. According to reports, an Air India Express plane from Dubai with 190 people on board skidded off the runway during the landing amid rain and broke into two halves. EPA-EFE/CIVIL DEFENSE / HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
A handout photo made available by the Indian Civil Defense shows officials inspect the wreckage site of a plane crash at Calicut airport in Kozhikode, India, 07 August 2020. According to reports, an Air India Express plane from Dubai with 190 people on board skidded off the runway during the landing amid rain and broke into two halves. According to initial reports, one pilot has died. EPA-EFE/ BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES,Image: 550756600, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES, Model Release: no
First responders gather around the wreckage of an Air India Express jet, which was carrying more than 190 passengers and crew from Dubai, after it crashed by overshooting the runway at Calicut International Airport in Karipur, Kerala, on August 7, 2020. At least 14 people died and 15 others were critically injured when a passenger jet skidded off the runway after landing in heavy rain in India, police said on August 7.,Image: 550768519, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
epa08590269 A handout photo made available by the Indian Civil Defense shows officials inspect the wreckage site of a plane crash at Calicut airport in Kozhikode, India, 07 August 2020. According to reports, an Air India Express plane from Dubai with 190 people on board skidded off the runway during the landing amid rain and broke into two halves. According to initial reports, one pilot has died. EPA-EFE/CIVIL DEFENSE / HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa08590270 A handout photo made available by the Indian Civil Defense shows officials inspect the wreckage site of a plane crash at Calicut airport in Kozhikode, India, 07 August 2020. According to reports, an Air India Express plane from Dubai with 190 people on board skidded off the runway during the landing amid rain and broke into two halves. According to initial reports, one pilot has died. EPA-EFE/CIVIL DEFENSE / HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
