Dezastrul facut de ucraineni la baza aeriana rusa Belbek din Crimeea, surprins in imagini din satelit

Dezastrul facut de ucraineni la baza aeriana rusa Belbek din Crimeea, surprins in imagini din satelit

Dezastrul facut de ucraineni la baza aeriana rusa Belbek din Crimeea, surprins in imagini din sateli...

Mai multe avioane si cladiri ale rusilor au fost distruse in atacurile ucrainene de miercuri asupra bazei aeriene militare ruse Belbek din orasul-port Sevastopol, din Crimeea anexata, potrivit imaginilor surprinse din satelit, transmite CNN.

In imaginile realizate de companiile americane BlackSky si Maxar se vad doua avioane arse pe pista principala de la Belbek.

Un al treilea se vede stationat pe un terasament de protectie din apropiere. Imaginile din satelit arata, de asemenea, o cladire aflata in apropiere distrusa si o alta care a suferit pagube semnificative.

This handout satellite image taken and released by Maxar Technologies on May 16, 2024 shows a MiG-29 fighter aircraft that appears to have been damaged at Belbek Airbase near Sevastopol, Crimea.,Image: 873726064, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO/ SATELLITE IMAGE (C)2024 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS - THE WATERMARK MAY NOT BE REMOVED/CROPPED, ***
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This handout satellite image taken and released by Maxar Technologies on May 16, 2024 shows a destroyed Su-27 fighter aircraft in a revetment at Belbek Airbase near Sevastopol, Crimea.,Image: 873726069, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO/ SATELLITE IMAGE (C)2024 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS - THE WATERMARK MAY NOT BE REMOVED/CROPPED, ***
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This handout satellite image taken and released by Maxar Technologies on May 16, 2024 shows a destroyed fuel storage facility at Belbek Airbase near Sevastopol, Crimea.,Image: 873726070, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO/ SATELLITE IMAGE (C)2024 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS - THE WATERMARK MAY NOT BE REMOVED/CROPPED, ***
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This handout satellite image taken and released by Maxar Technologies on May 16, 2024 shows a destroyed MiG-31 fighter aircraft at Belbek Airbase near Sevastopol, Crimea.,Image: 873726078, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO/ SATELLITE IMAGE (C)2024 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS - THE WATERMARK MAY NOT BE REMOVED/CROPPED, ***
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This handout satellite image taken and released by Maxar Technologies on May 16, 2024 shows an overview of Belbek Airbase near Sevastopol, Crimea.,Image: 873726088, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO/ SATELLITE IMAGE (C)2024 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS - THE WATERMARK MAY NOT BE REMOVED/CROPPED, ***
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,,Atac masiv" cu drone ucrainene asupra Sevastopolului

Mihail Razvozhaev, guvernatorul numit de rusi in Sevastopol, a declarat vineri pe Telegram ca rusii ,,au respins cu succes un atac masiv al inamicului asupra Sevastopolului".

Razvozhaev a spus ca ,,zeci" de drone si ,,mai mult de cinci drone marine au fost distruse". Orasul a ramas o perioada fara curent dupa ce resturi ale dronelor au cazut pe un punct de distributie de electricitate, a adaugat el.

Belbek a fost vizat de atacurile ucrainenilor de doua ori in ultimele 48 de ore.

Intrebat despre o posibila lovitura ucraineana asupra Belbek, Dmitro Pletenchuk, purtatorul de cuvant al armatei ucrainene de Sud, a declarat joi ca nu poate anunta ,,niciun detaliu in acest moment, deoarece nu exista informatii verificate in acest moment".

In timp ce Moscova pare sa castige teren in ofensiva sa terestra, fortele de la Kiev au lovit cu succes flota rusa de la Marea Neagra, fie cu rachete, fie cu drone maritime, remarca CNN.

In martie, Ucraina a sustinut ca a lovit doua nave rusesti - Yamal si Azov - si un centru de comunicatii, precum si alte cateva facilitati apartinand Flotei Marii Negre, intr-un atac urias care a avut loc noaptea.

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