Doua portrete uriase ale lui Aleksei Navalnii au aparut in Viena, pictate langa un monument al solda...

Doua portrete uriase ale liderului decedat al opozitiei ruse, Aleksei Navalnii, au fost pictate cu spray pe o proprietate din Viena detinuta de familia unui fost ministru de externe ceh, in spatele unui monument dedicat soldatilor sovietici, relateaza The Associated Press.

Portretele au fost finalizate miercuri, 27 martie, pe peretele din spatele monumentului, care fusese deja pictat in culorile nationale ale Ucrainei (albastru si galben) dupa ce Rusia a lansat in 2022 invazia pe scara larga din Ucraina.

Zidul apartine Palatului Schwarzenberg, detinut de familia aristocrata a fostului ministru de externe ceh Karel Schwarzenberg, care a murit in noiembrie.

Monumentul care infatiseaza un soldat sovietic a fost construit dupa ce trupele sovietice au cucerit Viena in 1945. Austria, care a fost anexata de Germania nazista in 1938, a fost impartita in zone de ocupatie pana cand tara a primit suveranitate deplina, in 1955.

"Monumentul comemoreaza victimele dictaturii, iar domnul Navalnii este o victima evidenta a dictaturii", a declarat Maximillian Schaffgotsch, reprezentant al fundatiei familiei Schwarzenberg, pentru Agentia Austriaca de Presa (APA).

With two large portraits of Alexei Navalny on the wall behind the Soviet War Memorial (Heroes' Monument of the Red Army) in Vienna, the Schwarzenberg family has been referring to the Russian politician, who died in a prison camp in February. In the picture: One of the two portraits pictured on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Vienna. - PHOTO: APA/ROLAND SCHLAGER -,Image: 860029799, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

With two large portraits of Alexei Navalny on the wall behind the Soviet War Memorial (Heroes' Monument of the Red Army) in Vienna, the Schwarzenberg family has been referring to the Russian politician, who died in a prison camp in February. In the picture: One of the two portraits pictured on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Vienna. - PHOTO: APA/ROLAND SCHLAGER - 20240327_PD2101,Image: 860029445, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: AUSTRIA OUT, GERMANY OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT, UK OUT
SOUTH TYROL OUT, Model Release: no

With two large portraits of Alexei Navalny on the wall behind the Soviet War Memorial (Heroes' Monument of the Red Army) in Vienna, the Schwarzenberg family has been referring to the Russian politician, who died in a prison camp in February. In the picture: One of the two portraits pictured on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Vienna. - PHOTO: APA/ROLAND SCHLAGER -,Image: 860029889, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

With two large portraits of Alexei Navalny on the wall behind the Soviet War Memorial (Heroes' Monument of the Red Army) in Vienna, the Schwarzenberg family has been referring to the Russian politician, who died in a prison camp in February. In the picture: One of the two portraits pictured on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Vienna. - PHOTO: APA/ROLAND SCHLAGER -,Image: 860029722, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Austrian graffiti duo Joel Gamnou paint a picture of Alexei Navalny on a wall in Vienna, Austria, Wednesday, March 27, 2024. Two large portraits of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny have been spray-prainted on a property owned by the family of a former Czech foreign minister behind a monument to Soviet soldiers in Vienna.,Image: 860064092, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required., Model Release: no, Pictured: Alexei Navalny

A picture of Alexei Navalny on a mural in Vienna, Austria, Wednesday, March 27, 2024. Two large portraits of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny have been spray-painted on a property owned by the family of a former Czech foreign minister behind a monument to Soviet soldiers in Vienna.,Image: 860064076, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required., Model Release: no, Pictured: Alexei Navalny

Austrian graffiti duo Joel Gamnou paint a picture of Alexei Navalny on a wall in Vienna, Austria, Wednesday, March 27, 2024. Two large portraits of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny have been spray-prainted on a property owned by the family of a former Czech foreign minister behind a monument to Soviet soldiers in Vienna.,Image: 860064096, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required., Model Release: no, Pictured: Alexei Navalny

With two large portraits of Alexei Navalny on the wall behind the Soviet War Memorial (Heroes' Monument of the Red Army) in Vienna, the Schwarzenberg family has been referring to the Russian politician, who died in a prison camp in February. In the picture: One of the two portraits pictured on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Vienna. - PHOTO: APA/ROLAND SCHLAGER - 20240327_PD2114,Image: 860028671, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: AUSTRIA OUT, GERMANY OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT, UK OUT
SOUTH TYROL OUT, Model Release: no

Navalnii, care a dus o campanie ampla impotriva coruptiei din Rusia si a organizat proteste masive anti-Kremlin, fiind cel mai aprig critic al presedintelui Vladimir Putin, a murit pe 16 februarie in colonia penitenciara "Lupul polar" din Arctica, unde ispasea o pedeapsa de 19 ani. Oficialii rusi sustin ca acesta a murit din cauze naturale.

Duo-ul austriac de graffiti Joel Gamnou a pictat portretele lui Navalnii. Jonathan Gamperl, unul dintre cei doi artisti stradali, a spus ca "pana acum am primit doar feedback pozitiv".

KSORS, un grup descris de presa austriaca ca fiind apropiat de Ambasada Rusiei, s-a plans intr-o postare pe Facebook ca zidul din spatele monumentului soldatilor sovietici este "folosit in mod abuziv in scopuri politice".

Un memorial improvizat pentru Navalnii, situat vizavi de ambasada, a fost indepartat de doua ori in ultimele doua saptamani. Procurorii din Viena analizeaza daca sa deschida sau nu o investigatie in legatura cu aceste incidente, noteaza APA.

Foto: Profimedia Images
