Florin Citu demonteaza un fake-news - Scrisoarea in limba engleza, tradusa pentru PSD: "In loc sa av...

"Pentru mine campania electorala s-a terminat. Dar se pare ca nu pentru toata lumea.De cateva zile circula un fake news despre o scrisoare a CE pentru Ministerul Finantelor din Romania.Exista o singura explicatie pentru acest fake news. Scrisoarea este in engleza, iar la PSD este clar o bariera acest lucru.Ce apare in scrisoare:1. "According to our analysis, the large general government deficit and rapidly growing debt ratio are largely the result of policy decisions adopted by Romania before the COVID-19 outbreak.".Adica - deficitul de anul trecut in mare parte se datoreaza cheltuielilor generate de pandemie. Simplu.2. These decisions include the pro-cyclical fiscal policy between 2016 and 2018, when the government deficit was close to 3% of GDP notwithstanding a favourable economic situation, as well as the large unfunded pension increases that lead to a permanent increase in the budget deficit.In traducere pentru PSD - in loc sa aveti surplus bugetar in perioada 2016-2018 v-ati batut joc de economie. Mai mult ati adoptat o lege a pensiilor care nu avea finantarea asigurata.3. The Commission will reassess Romania's budgetary situation in spring 2021 and, if appropriate, will propose new steps under the EDP.CE asteapta pana in primavara, dupa ce aprobam bugetul, pentru a avea o opinie despre situatia economica a Romaniei.4. This corrective action need not and should not undermine the necessary efforts to support the health system and the economy in order to effectively combat the pandemic and its economic and social consequences. As highlighted in our previous letter to Minister of Public Finance Citu of 19 September 2020, the measures to support the recovery throughout 2021 should be tailored to Romania's specific situation and should be well-targeted and temporary.Adica, da, va sustinem sa luati masuri, sa reduceti semnificativ defictul bugetar, dar intelegem ca inca suntem in pandemie si este nevoie de cheltuieli suplimentare pentru sanatate.5. We would welcome further efforts by the Government to limit any structural negative budgetary impact of the measures taken. At the same time, Romania should avoid introducing new measures with a permanent negative impact on the budget balance.FOARTE IMPORTANT. Mai clar de atat nu se putea. CE sustine eforturile guvernului pentru reforma (am anuntat deja o parte din masuri si mai urmeaza altele) si nu sustine masuri care reduc permantent veniturile bugetare sau cresc permanent cheltuielile bugetare. Am zis ca nu voi accepta astfel de masuri si este bine ca si CE sustine acest lucru public.Altfel arata acum scrisoarea de la CE pentru Ministerul Finantelor.Anul 2021 este un an in care incepem sa corectam 30 de ani de masuri populiste, impotriva romanilor. Repunem Romania pe drumul dezvoltarii economice sustenabile", a scris premierul pe Facebook.
