Zeci de mii de oameni protesteaza din nou in Georgia impotriva legii privind ,,agentii straini"

Zeci de mii de oameni protesteaza din nou in Georgia impotriva legii privind ,,agentii straini"

Zeci de mii de oameni protesteaza din nou in Georgia impotriva legii privind ,,agentii straini"

Zeci de mii de persoane au iesit in strada joi seara in Georgia, pentru a protesta din nou impotriva proiectului de lege privind ,,agentii straini", considerat de opozitie si de tarile occidentale ca fiind de inspiratie rusa, informeaza AFP, citata de Agerpres.

Spre deosebire de zilele precedente, manifestantii s-au adunat in doua locuri diferite: in fata Parlamentului, locul traditional pentru manifestatii, si in Piata Eroilor, unde se inalta un monument in memoria soldatilor georgieni morti in lupta.

La fel ca ieri, 1 mai, politia a folosit gaze lacrimogene impotriva protestatarilor si a arestat mai multi dintre ei. In semn de solidaritate cu persoanele arestate, manifestantii care se aflau in fata parlamentului au defilat spre Piata Eroilor.

Protestatarii au scandat ,,Nu Rusiei!" si au afisat pancarte cu fetele deputatilor din partidul puterii Visul Georgian, calificati drept ,,tradatori".

Never in my life would I have thought that I'd just march on the Tbilisi overpass. They arrested and mistreated tens blocking Heroes Square, so now they have us in thousands. The city paralyzed. #Georgia #TbilisiProtests #NoToRussianLaw pic.twitter.com/BdNZk94CXG

— Marika Mikiashvili ?????? (@Mikiashvili_M) May 2, 2024

Un proiect de lege criticat de Occident

Proiectul de lege care a dus la izbucnirea protestelor impune ca organizatiile care primesc mai mult de 20% din finantare din strainatate sa se inregistreze ca ,,agenti straini". Criticii l-au comparat cu legislatia Moscovei privind ,,agentii straini", care a fost folosita pentru a reprima disidenta in Rusia.

Demonstrators protest outside the Georgian parliament during a rally against a controversial "foreign influence" bill, which Brussels warns would undermine Georgia's European aspirations, in Tbilisi on May 2, 2024.,Image: 869682210, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Participants of a protest against the adoption of the law on foreign agents near the Georgian Parliament building during a clash with the police.
02.05.2024 Georgia, Tbilisi,Image: 869687357, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** World Rights Except Russian Federation, Switzerland and Liechtenstein *** CHEOUT LIEOUT RUSOUT, Model Release: no

Participants protest against the adoption of the law on foreign agents near the Georgian Parliament building.
02.05.2024 Georgia, Tbilisi,Image: 869687551, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** World Rights Except Russian Federation, Switzerland and Liechtenstein *** CHEOUT LIEOUT RUSOUT, Model Release: no

Demonstrators wave Georgian national flags during an opposition protest against "the Russian law" in the center of Tbilisi, Georgia, on Thursday, May 2, 2024. The parliament of Georgia has cancelled its plenary session following massive protests against a proposed law that critics fear will stifle media freedom and endanger the country's bid for membership in the European Union.,Image: 869688294, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required., Model Release: no

Miercuri seara, Parlamentul de la Tbilisi a adoptat in a doua lectura proiectul, in ciuda protestelor masive si a criticilor din partea UE si SUA.

Odata adoptata, legea ar putea distruge sansele Georgiei de aderare la UE.

,,Le cer autoritatilor georgiene sa retraga acest proiect de lege si sa angajeze un dialog, in special cu societatea civila si cu media", a cerut joi inaltul Comisar al ONU pentru drepturile omului, Volker Turk.

Legea ,,agentilor straini" din Georgia nu este subiect de disputa pentru prima oara: ea a fost prezentata anul trecut, dar guvernarea a retras-o de pe agenda dupa mari proteste.
