Kate, prima aparitie publica de cand a anuntat ca sufera de cancer. Printesa de Wales, alaturi de fa...

Kate Middleton a avut prima aparitie publica din ultimele sase luni, dupa ce si-a anuntat diagnosticul de cancer in luna martie. Printesa de Wales participa la parada ,,Trooping the Colour", care il celebreaza pe rege.

Printesa de Wales a fost surprinsa de fotografi in masina care a adus-o la Palatul Buckingham, alaturi de printul William si copiii ei, sambata, 15 iunie.

Kate Middleton a fost vazuta stand langa fereastra, in timp ce printul George, in varsta de 10 ani, a stat intre ea si printul de Wales. Printul Louis, in varsta de 6 ani, si printesa Charlotte, in varsta de 9 ani (nu apare in fotografie), au stat in fata lor, potrivit people.com.

Ulterior, familia regala s-a urcat in caleasca, pentru a se plimba pe strazile din Londra si a saluta multimea.

Catherine Princess of Wales//SIMPSONTOM_DSC_3712/Credit:Tom Simpson/SIPA/2406151126,Image: 881809134, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Catherine Princess of Wales//SIMPSONTOM_DSC_3711/Credit:Tom Simpson/SIPA/2406151126,Image: 881809131, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Catherine Princess of Wales//SIMPSONTOM_DSC_3689_1/Credit:Tom Simpson/SIPA/2406151126,Image: 881809123, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Catherine Princess of Wales//SIMPSONTOM_DSC_3693/Credit:Tom Simpson/SIPA/2406151124,Image: 881808836, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Photo Must Be Credited (C)Alpha Press 073074 09/12/2023
Undated photo issued by Kensington Palace of Prince William Prince of Wales Duke of Cambridge and Kate Princess of Wales Catherine Katherine Duchess of Cambridge Middleton with their three children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. The photograph, which features on their Royal Highnesses Christmas card this year, was taken by the photographer Josh Shinner earlier this year and shows The Prince and Princess with their three children in Windsor, Berkshire.
*** No UK Rights Until 28 Days from Picture Shot Date ***
Copyright in the photograph is vested in The Prince and Princess of Wales. Publications are asked to credit the photograph to Josh Shinner. The photograph shall be solely used for news editorial purposes only. It shall not be approved for souvenirs, or memorabilia; or anything colourably similar. There shall be no commercial use whatsoever of the photograph (including by way of example only) any use in merchandising, advertising or any other non news editorial use. The photograph must not be digitally enhanced, manipulated or modified in any manner or form and must include all of the individuals in the photograph when published. The photograph shall not be used after 31st December 2024 without prior permission from Kensington Palace. Any questions relating to the use of the photograph should be first referred to Kensington Palace and before publication.
NOTE TO EDITORS: This photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

Photo Must Be Credited (C)Alpha Press 073074 05/12/2023
Kate Princess of Wales Catherine Katherine Duchess of Cambridge Middleton during an evening reception for members of the Diplomatic Corps at Buckingham Palace in London.
*** No UK Rights Until 28 Days from Picture Shot Date ***

Printesa Kate a purtat o rochie alba de la unul dintre designerii ei preferati, Jenny Packham, impreuna cu o palarie asortata de la Philip Treacy si cercei cu perle, in timp ce printul William a aparut imbracat in uniforma pentru aceasta ocazie.

Aparitia lui Kate la ceremonie a fost anuntata cu o zi in urma, cand a oferit si noi detalii despre tratamentul impotriva cancerului.

,,Exista zile bune si zile proaste"

Intr-un mesaj emotionant postat pe pagina oficiala de Instagram a printului si printesei de Wales, Kate spune ca tratamentul ei este inca in curs si va mai continua cateva luni.

,,Fac progrese bune, dar, dupa cum stie oricine care trece prin chimioterapie, exista zile bune si zile proaste. In acele zile proaste te simti slabit, obosit si trebuie sa cedezi in fata corpului tau care se odihneste. Dar, in zilele bune, cand te simti mai puternic, vrei sa profiti la maximum de faptul ca te simti bine", a transmis printesa Kate.

Mesajul este insotit de o noua fotografie a printesei, realizata de fotograful Matt Porteous, care o arata pe printesa langa un copac, privind spre cer, in apropierea casei sale din Windsor.

Foto: Profimedia

Printesa a mai dezvaluit ca ,,tratamentul meu este in curs si va dura inca cateva luni" si ca in zilele cand se simte ,,suficient de bine" se bucura sa petreaca timpul ,,cu lucrurile care imi dau energie si pozitivitate".

,,Inca nu am iesit din impas. Invat cum sa am rabdare, mai ales cu incertitudinea. Luand fiecare zi asa cum vine, ascultandu-mi corpul si permitandu-mi sa imi dau acest timp atat de necesar pentru a ma vindeca", a mai transmis printesa Kate.

Kate Middleton a anuntat in martie ca a fost diagnosticata cu cancer

Kate Middleton a anuntat pe 22 martie ca a fost diagnosticata cu cancer si a inceput sedintele de chimioterapie. In ianuarie, printesa suferise ,,o interventie chirurgicala abdominala majora" la Londra, iar testele efectuate dupa operatie au descoperit ca fusese prezent un cancer, a mai spus Kate Middleton, pe 22 martie.

Anuntul legat de diagnosticul lui Kate Middleton a venit la o luna dupa ce regele Charles al III-lea a anuntat, pe 5 februarie, ca a fost diagnosticat si el cu cancer.

FOTO: Profimedia VIDEO: Instagram
